居港歌影視 - Maksim and his Band World Tour 2014

18:31 Maria_Summer 0 Comments

I think this is the very significant moment of why Tiffany met Ducati. Because at some point during my interest exploring, I have turned my music taste from Classics to Classics mixed with Pop elements, or some say it's P-Opera. It started from musicals, Andrew Lloyd Webber (Joseph and the magic multicolored Coat) and Sarah Brightman, to Bond and Maksim.
I put Maksim at the end because he really put an end to the development, til now. Unbelievable!
10 years has passed since his first album. Whenever his music is in the air, I can still find the same feeling like I first met him and his music. Tonight I was at his concert, and I still feel so much excitement in my body that I could hardly hold it down.

Agnes and I were sitting at the $580 section, but still we are hardly close to the stage. The setting of the concert is pretty much like a band's concert, as in an exhibition hall. Points lost at the beginning I have to say, and I feel sorry to feel it but it's my true feeling: simplified Chinese characters at the backdrop.

Since I couldn't wait til he got changed and ready for signing (CDs), I will have to say what I would like to say if by any chance I would meet him personally.

Dear Maksim,
Thank you so much for giving my 10 fruitful and amazing years with your music. I brought your music to most of the places where I have been to. Your music has walked with me through ups and downs, laughter and tear. I love, love, love your music because there are so much passions and enthusiasm withhold. When I first heard your music, I have gained a great deal of power and strength from it. I still remember those sleepless nights for getting exams and papers done, I always had your music running, as your music is the BEST motivation booster. Today at your very live concert I can feel them again. An emotion so strong, that it is like a wall pushing against me so I can't breathe, that it burns my body inside out like fire. I saw your sweat, and I think I can feel your heat, from you and from your music. I hope you would keep up with your talent and hard work so we can have more chance to embrace your music world.

Seriously, when other audience were feeling cold and having their jackets on, I was complaining (without my jacket of cos) that it's so warm inside. But then, I was pretty excited during the concert, not a single one relaxing moment. He was putting all those very very heavy and exciting pieces in the concert, and he encored twice!!!!!!! Bloody hell! The last piece, pure Flight of Bubble Bee! It was amazing. So amazing that even he had to smile, with so much charm. When I went into the hall, I was still thinking I spent quite some money for one single concert and that maybe according to the value of my sister, my money was pointlessly wasted. But after I heard him trying to catch his breath when he talked, after I saw him sweating inside out with 10 dozen tempo, I know I haven't wasted a penny at all. What's more important is that he, as a person, having such an influence on the stage. I mean after so many years of piano training, how many musician can climb on this stage among so many around the world. He stood on this stage with such a wonderful band and never worried for one moment that he would be overshadowed or outshone.
Oh! By the way,  I love his very deep and soft voice.
and I think that's too long and that's all. I wish he has a good journey flying back home.
Please come back soon.

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居港歌影視 - Exodus Gods and Kings

18:56 Maria_Summer 0 Comments

影評我已經冇寫好耐,(Prof.) Thomas Lee 教落要寫低自己既思緒,先可以更清晰有條理同有邏輯咁思考。

荷里活好明顯咁係以Christian Bale做招徠,吸引一班非教徒同影迷,策略是很不錯。
另一個超級大卡士就係Sigourney Weaver,惡害母后既角色,真係好啱佢。
其餘既我都唔係好識,只係得Joel Edgerton (Rhamses)有啲面善,佢呢個大帝輕佻狂妄得嚟,有一種好特別既感覺,好有英國貴族既感覺,rather than 法老王。
之後仲要讚一讚Ben Kingsley,佢真係做咩國藉既角色都好似,天生既恩賜,無計﹗
總括嚟講,成個setting 都係歐美人面孔,埃及以色列佈景,靚就幾靚,不過有點commercial。

電影中很多地方都有簡略交代事情發展既前因後果,聖經當然係冇架啦,所以睇聖經其實係睇得一頭霧水,不明所以來,但係劇本加咗好多起承轉合,包括︰佢點知自己既身世﹖佢點解會由宮殿中走到去曠野當中,預見佢既妻子﹖佢點解會俾天主揀選作為帶領以色列人既領袖﹖點解法老王會接見佢,同佢對話﹖(香港嗰幾件人仔,佔領街道兩個月,絕食到幾乎冇命,都冇人肯接見佢地囉。頂﹗事隔三千幾年喇﹗呢啲唔係大倒退係咩﹗) 仲竟然有對頭幾大天然災害既科學分析﹗真係估佢唔到﹗所以佢可以講一句,當地係一個文明既地方﹗(當然都有唔文明既時候,包括求神問卜既情節)
阿郎同若蘇厄都分別成為大配角,得兩三句對白。阿郎仲完全唔知梅瑟有天主照著咁款,第一個質疑佢咁。若蘇厄戲份比較多,佢親眼見到梅瑟同天主講嘢,但係佢又見到唔天主,所以只係見到梅瑟同空氣講嘢,比著我,我可能會懷疑佢只係精神病,加埋Christian Bale既外型仲似﹗(佢既FANS請多多原諒! )
PS: 身為「黃絲帶」,佢講既嘢其實都幾啱而家香港既Situation。

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居港思遺 1

21:06 Maria_Summer 0 Comments

唔經唔覺返左嚟原來已經四個幾月, 竟然開始掛著歐洲嘅嘢食:
1. 德國芝士火鍋 (Ofen Käse)
2. 鮮肉腸 (Bratwurst)
3. 炒薯粒 (Bratkartoffeln)
4. 焗蘋果 (gebackte Apfeln)

Never imagined, after 4 months staying in HK, I actually miss the European food:
1. Ofen Käse
2. Bratwurst
3. Bratkartoffeln
4. Gebackte Apfeln
As well, the cold and heater which comes along.

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