居港思遺 1

21:06 Maria_Summer 0 Comments

唔經唔覺返左嚟原來已經四個幾月, 竟然開始掛著歐洲嘅嘢食:
1. 德國芝士火鍋 (Ofen Käse)
2. 鮮肉腸 (Bratwurst)
3. 炒薯粒 (Bratkartoffeln)
4. 焗蘋果 (gebackte Apfeln)

Never imagined, after 4 months staying in HK, I actually miss the European food:
1. Ofen Käse
2. Bratwurst
3. Bratkartoffeln
4. Gebackte Apfeln
As well, the cold and heater which comes along.

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